About Us
Children who come under Kaleidoscope children first (child development team in Lewisham) and surrounding children receiving therapy and attending main stream nursery are in large numbers, so why not come and visit bubbly special needs nursery which is run in a spacious setting where staff are highly trained for children who are delayed with their milestone and staff children ratio is high.
Teaching and learning at bubbly nursery is based on early identification of needs set in the policy of Special Education Code Policy (2014).We take pride in being one of the best nursery options for children with autism and special needs in the area .(refer to google my business for reviews)
There is provision available at bubbly nursery for allied professionals: speech therapists, clinical psychologists and occupational therapists to offer therapy to children.
We shall work closely with Child Development Teams, Bromley early years advisors ,drumbeat outreach team , Bromley and Lewisham Portage service, allied professionals already working with your child, Special Education Need Department, health visitors and occupational therapists, Physiotherapists, speech and language therapists in implementing any programme as part of nursery activities.
A meeting will be held with allocated professionals to discuss his/ her report stating child’s strength and weakness before stating nursery.The nursery can then focus on working identified needs through play, outings / trips and story telling.
Sign language will be offered as an extra curriculum for the children. Sign language has shown to help children stay focused, relaxed and express their emotions.
Daily activities are structured around children’s interest, programmes devised by allied professionals and work with children. Goals are set as part of the Individual Education Plan to meet their needs.
At Bubbly special needs nursery, children activities and layout are done around fine and gross motor needs, sensory needs and social communication needs which meets the five outcomes set in early years foundation:
- Physical health.
- Personal, social and emotional development.
- Communication and language development
- Literacy
- Mathematics being specific
We have special toys for :
- Physical and muscle development
- Sensory development
- Social development
- Creative and intellectual development
We open from 9.00am – 6.00pm Monday to Thursday (last collection 5.30)and we are closed on Fridays. Bubbly Nursery is closed on half terms, Easter holiday and summer. The minimum days a child can attend is two days. A child will need a minimum of two days to settle into a routine and form relationship with key-worker.
We can register children from 2 to 9 years old and can be referred to us by health professional/parents /carers themselves and voluntary sector. Children who live in Lewisham and access an out of borough child development can also apply to attend Bubbly Special Needs Nursery. The minimum days for a child to attend bubbly nursery is two days a week to enable the child to settle .
Bubbly nursery is run by a manager who is a qualified nurse and a registered health visitor and previously worked in NHS ,who is supported by experienced team. Each team member comes with a variety of skills and experience. The team has experience with managing children with Autism, cerebral palsy, Downs Syndrome and other conditions.
Furthermore, the staff work in partnership with parents and each child is allocated to a key worker who would give feedback to parents/cares, about the progress of their child on weekly basis.
If you are in search of an SEN Nursery or nursery for autism near you ,your search ends here.Bubbly Nursery is staffed with experienced staff who specialize in autism and SEN needs, providing your child with nurturing and supportive enviroment that feels like a second home. At Bubbly Special Needs Nursery we use Picture exchange communication system, makaton and objects when communicating with children.
The team initiates Early Education Care Plans, holding joint plan meeting with professionals, work with your child and incorporates targets in Individual Education Care Plan into daily activities.

About Us